Our Programs
Healthy Start is a home visiting program that provides one-on-one support throughout a woman’s pregnancy.
This free program is designed to meet the individual needs of each participant to ensure that every baby has a healthy start.
Infant Safe Sleep Campaign
Through a unique and innovative partnership with the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office, the Healthy Start Coalition of Manatee County, Inc. has implemented a highly effective SIDS/SUID community education and prevention program, the Infant Safe Sleep Campaign. This partnership was launched in 2005, after the Sheriff’s Office’s Infant Death Review Panel found that many of the tragic accidental infant deaths they investigated could have been prevented if parents/caretakers had been equipped with information and tools to ensure a safe environment for their babies.
Coordinated Intake & Referral
Healthy Start’s Coordinated Intake and Referral Program (CI&R), assists pregnant women, new moms, and families with young children by providing a one-stop entry point for needed services and programs. Our programs are dedicated to ensuring pregnant women and families have access to care, pregnancy and parenting education, child development education, breastfeeding education, and support and care coordination. CI&R works to identify a family’s needs and links them with local programs that can best serve them, creating a referral process that not only streamlines access to services but works to build a larger network of care during early childhood.